Bits & Pieces of Advent
Advent 2019 . Bits & Pieces . Deep ThoughtsAdvent. A time full of insane amounts of “stuff” leading to Christmas Day. We fill our days with a lot of busyness – be it holiday events, job requirements or family obligations.
Sometimes, it’s good to step back, to take a deep breath and just be present in the moment. To remember Advent’s true purpose – a time to prepare for the coming birth of Jesus.
You are invited to be more intentional this Advent. You are invited to give yourself a bit of space during the next four weeks, to take a few moments – coinciding with the four Sundays of Advent – to hit the pause button, breathe deeply and reflect on the meaning of the season.
This group is designed to serve as a “meeting place.” Each week I’ll post here at www.myscrapppylife.com at least one devotion on Saturday evening for the following Sunday. Each post will include a few “faith steps” you can use as an add-on bonus to incorporate the theme of the devotion into your life.
You are also invited to join in a discussion group, a place to discuss the devo theme and maybe go a bit deeper. While all are welcome, the group is “private” in that the discussion is designed to be open only to members. The group may be found here: http://bit.ly/mybitsandpieces.
The series kicks off on Thanksgiving Day with a “pre” Advent devo. Feel free to invite friends to join in the fun.
Happy Advent.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
I would like to participate with you. I have submitted a request to join the Facebook group. Is there anything else on my part to do?
Nope~ did it add you?